January 5
January 5
"On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love made herself.... 12 women drumming"
I woke up still on the floor curled up with Emily in our pile of blankets. The fire had burned down low and was just
embers that still kept the cabin pleasantly toasty. Sometime during the night I had ended up the little spoon, with
Emily now pressed up against my back with her morning wood erection nestled between my butt cheeks. I blushed
and wiggled against it, weirded out and intrigued by the possibilities. Not ready to get out of bed I nestled deeper
into Emily's arms, enjoying the way her breasts rubbed against my back and the strange but pleasant feeling of her
soft fur on my legs. I breathed in her musty, animalistic scent and sighed. Being the little spoon was quite nice.
I found it hard to ignore Emily's steely cock though, hot and pulsing slightly with her heartbeat against my back. I
thought back to the night before, and was still sad that I hadn't been a more accommodating love to Emily. I realized
I now had a great opportunity to make it up to her.
I slowly extricated myself from Emily's arms, trying not to wake her up, and rolled her gently onto her back. She
grumbled a little and kicked a bit with her right hoof, but otherwise stayed asleep. I knelt between her splayed thighs
looking at her erect cock, pink and waving with her breath. I psyched myself up, and engulfed it with my mouth.
Her penis was hot and rubbery in my mouth and wide enough to stretch my lips. I rubbed it with the tip of my
tongue. Emily shifted a little but didn't wake up. So I slid a bit more of her cock into my mouth, and started sucking.
I wanted to get more in, but found that I was already close to gagging. Knowing what I could comfortably handle I
began to slide Emily's cock in and out of my mouth, sucking and playing my tongue over it as I did. Emily moaned a
little in her sleep and but still wasn't quite awake. I began to bob my head quicker on her penis, grasping the part of
the shaft which didn't fit in my mouth and pump it. As I picked up speed, Emily's eyes fluttered awake and she
gasped, thrusting up with her hips and arching her back. She looked down her body and saw me sucking her dick
and a look of shocked arousal was on her face. I looked her in the eye and winked as I picked up another gear on the
blow job. Emily, who was already panting, started to whimper a little and squirm and suddenly she was cumming in
my mouth and I was sputtering her salty seed.
She looked up at me with a look or wonder. "Ian... Oh my god! I fucking love you!"
She beckoned me into her arms and I gratefully snuggled into them.
I laughed and squeezed one of her breasts. "The
fastest way to a male's heart is with a blowjob it seems!"
Emily giggled and blushed and reached down to stroke my cock. "I guess I should return the favour then."
After our morning play, and a nice little breakfast, Emily decided she wanted to go out for a romp in her reindeer
body. She impatiently tapped her hoof on the floor while I pulled on my winter clothes. We started with a hike,
Emily skipping happily naked impervious to the cold. She had brought along a bag of carrots and was happily
chewing on one, very much in the model of a rewarded reindeer I thought, until we reached that first clearing.
Here Emily declared that she was over snowball fights and that we should build a snowman instead. I walked over to
a nearby stream and collected a few handfuls of dark pebbles while Emily danced back over to the trees to find a
bundle of sticks. Supplies procured we rolled out a snowman with three levels of large snowballs, which we
decorated with the traditional stone eyes, carrot nose, and smiling mouth. Emily poked two rocks into its chest and
declare them nipples (which she insisted wasn't immature and made way more sense than the more conventional
buttons). Emily thought the snowman looked lonely, which I thought was cute, so we repeated the process and made another
snowman. This time though, instead of using the stones to draw a smiley face, I made a vertical oval which I
declared a face-pussy and this was a snow-Emily.
Emily was enchanted by the idea so we set I work making a series of snow-Emily's to commemorate all of her
changes. We made one with two heads, and another made shorter to look sitting we gave three large branch legs,
another got six twiggy 'arms', and another got five 'nipples' in a ring. The next one we gave a branch tail to, and
made a pile of snowballs next to it as eggs. We then made a snow octomaid with eight branch tentacles, and a snow-Emily with four "nipples", and a big snowball udder with four carrots for teats. We made a snake snow-Emily by
stacking a bunch of smaller snowball segments each with two rock nipples for all of that body's breasts and didn't
give it branch arms. We made a humantaur snow Emily lying down with four branch legs sticking askew. And
finally we made a snow-Emily with branch antlers and a cute carrot penis. It was great fun!
That accomplished it was time to race backing the cabin for lunch, another round of blowjobs, and packing for the
drive back into town.
We packed the sled, and together, me on snowshoes and Emily on her hooves, dragged and pushed the toboggan
back to the car. We drove back into town and once again Emily insisted on singing Christmas carols the whole way
When we arrived Emily kissed me, waggled her cock at me, and rushed off to drink her next formula. I called
Meredith to see if she wanted to meet for lunch.
I met Meredith at the same restaurant. By unspoken agreement we didn’t talk about our threesome and since she was
wearing a chunky cardigan, it was easy to ignore her physical changes. We chatted easily, just like old times,
Meredith updating me on her studies in KSG Industries and her upcoming assignments and I talked about some
upcoming work projects. It only really got awkward after our entrees arrived when Meredith pulled off her cardigan
showing that she was wearing a clingy white shirt with a scoop neckline that showed off her three breasts and
double cleavage. I couldn't help but stare a little.
Meredith just smirked at me and leaned back.
I decided that there wasn't much point pretending that our friendship hadn't just changed and related Emily's latest
change into a cock girl. At first Meredith looked amused, finding the idea of me dealing with my girlfriend
becoming male hilarious. But when I started to describe the sex we'd had in intimate detail, she looked flush and was
squirming in her chair, obviously aroused. I couldn't see with the table between us, but I suspect her long skirt was
dramatically tented. Meredith excused herself to the bathroom, and when she came back she was blushing but much
more relaxed.
I of course spent the rest of the meal making masturbation puns. (Will the lady be having the jerked meat tonight?
Har Har.)
When I arrived back at the townhouse I saw Emily sitting on her porch waiting for me, wrapped in a blanket. I could
feel myself stirring at the sight of her, wondering what wild transformation she was saving for last. This was, I
suspected, going to be a wild night!
Emily perked up when she saw me get out of my car and stood up on the stoop. When she decided I was close
enough she dropped her blanket and twirled, revealing her nude body. Her apparently normal human body. She had
her regular face, the normal number of limbs and breasts, and was sporting her everyday genitals. Finishing her
reveal spin, she grinned at me mischievously.
I suspected something was up. "So... this looks like your normal body."
"It sure does!"
"Is there some sort of secret change with it? Are you like, filled with secret cocks?"
"A hollow skinsuit?"
"Haha no!"
"Secretly Meredith?"
"Weird, and no."
"So this is just your normal body?"
"Yep! Good 'ol baseline Emily!"
"But you still have one day left in your twelve days!"
"And I've decided to spend it as myself! The thing I learned about from all of this is that I really just want to be more
"But that's hardly on theme at all..." I whined.
Emily laughed and punched me lightly. "Don't look so disappointed!" She took my hand "Come inside and I'll show
you why the real me is the best!"
Emily opened the door and pulled me into the townhouse's living room. She kissed me hungrily on the mouth and
worked on pulling off my clothes. I fumbled with my trousers and saw sitting on the coffee table the empty
transformation number 12 bottle and, next to it, the opened 'P' vial I had noticed earlier in the week. Emily knelt
down to pull off my pants and took my penis in her mouth, getting back my attention. She slurped and sucked for a
few moments, ensuring I was achingly hard and slick with her saliva. Emily looked up at me smiling wickedly, "Let's
go to the bedroom!"
My disappointment forgotten, I raced after Emily up the stairs to her room. I got ahead of her, threw open the bedroom doors and stopped. I was completely speechless. Arrayed around Emily's bedroom were 11 different versions of Emily, each with a different body.
Standing on the far left was another Emily who from the front looked normal, but seeing me look at her, this Emily
winked and turned her back to me revealing that she had two large breasts on her upper back and another pair of
breasts that had replaced or merged with her ass. Laughing Emily's infectious laugh she shook her body sending all
six of her breasts into motion.

Next to her another Emily waved at me, using one of her feet hands. This Emily differed from the standard Emily by
having six breasts arranged in three rows on her chest and a second pair of feet instead of hands. She put both her
feet-hands behind her head and stretched, grinning provocatively, puffing out her unreal cleavage.
The next Emily had a familiar pussy mouth on her face and, instead of nipples, had two extra large mouths beaming
with generous smiles. This Emily winked at me, while one her breasts licked its lips and the other bit its bottom lip
teasingly. She raised a hand to her right breast, sucked on it with her lipple, and then inserted two fingers into her

On this Emily's left was an Emily who looked like an improved version of the day three Emily. She had three legs
again, with a pussy at each crotch, but she also had three tits in a single row on her chest. She also had, when she
turned around and bent over, another pair of pussies that had replaced both anuses between her three buttocks. This
Emily bent further forward, placing her hands on the floor and looking back at me from between all her legs, her
three breasts hanging heavily in the way. She smirked and waved her three part ass at me, showing me all four of her
Next to her was another Emily who was proudly male. She had a large erection and testicles dangling from her
crotch and a brilliant white horse's tail swished behind her ass. This Emily also had another, longer penis which
sprouted from her forehead, like a kinky unicorn horn, and long white hair that cascaded down her back. She smiled
shyly at me and tossed her head, making the erection on her forehead bob obscenely.
To the immediate left of the penis-unicorn Emily was a version of Emily with two heads who also, on her sizeable
breasts, had a pair of pussies instead of nipples. Seeing me look at her, This Emily arched her eyebrow
provocatively with one face, while the other face licked her cheek and nibbled her ear. Her hands meanwhile, hefted
her breasts and slipped a finger into each tit-cunt.

Next to her was a decidedly complimentary version of Emily who had, on each breast, a long rigid cock instead of
nipples. This Emily also had, I noticed, a third erect penis and balls on her crotch. She was hardly even aware of me,
already pumping her hands on each dick nipple, which glistened with a surprising amount of precum.
On her left was a new Emily who was completely headless. Instead Emily's smiling face peaked at me from the
smooth pubic region of this Emily's crotch. This Emily also had the bulge of a vaginal mound on the smooth line of
her shoulders, right where her neck should have been. Seeing me look at her neck pussy, this Emily stuck out her
tongue and blew a raspberry at me, which while her tongue was normal, seemed obscene coming from her crotch.

The next version of Emily had four long tentacles instead of arms and yet another cock proudly erect on her crotch.
Seeing me look at her this Emily grinned mischievously, and using a tentacle, she lifted her cock and balls aside to
show she also had a pussy at her crotch. This Emily, then, was a hermaphrodite. She grinned wider and pushed two
of her tentacles into her pussy and her fourth one into her anus. She also stuck out and out and out her tongue which
was four feet long and tipped with a decidedly phallic bulge.
On this Emily's left was a version of Emily who combined two of her previous changes. She had a humantaur body
with a pussy in the front and another pussy in the rear like her tenth body. She also had, like her eighth form, cowlike features including small horns on her face, cow ears, four breasts on her chest, a bovine tail, and a sizeable
udder that dangled between her hindlegs. She saw me looking, winked, and said "Moooo!"
Finally there was one last Emily who had a serpent tail instead of legs. Unlike her last naga form, this Emily still had
her arms and, instead of many rows of small breasts, this Emily had two truly monstrous tits that each had four large
nipples. She raised herself up on her tail and gave her body a sinuous, graceful twist, causing her massive breasts to
sway prodigiously, and small beads of milk to form on each of her nipples.
I nearly jumped out of my skin as I felt the original Emily place her hands on my shoulders and press her naked
body against my back. "So..." she said.
"What do you think of the new me!" All of the Emily's who could speak said at once. (The bovine Emily just
"Wha-what is this? What did you do?" I stammered.
"I'm." "Twelve." "Emily's." "A-Drumming." "Moo!" said a different Emily for every word as the entire group in
unison gently swatted their breasts.
"Cute... but what is this? Are there 12 of you now?"
"No." said the normal Emily.
"You see," Said one head of the two-headed Emily with the pussy tits.
"I only have one mind." Added the second head.
"It just controls a dozen bodies." Replied the cock-unicorn, naga, and tripod versions of Emily simultaneously.
"So they are all you?" I asked.
"More like all of them are just parts of me." grinned normal Emily.
"It's like, instead of having a pair of hands or six." Said half of Emily's bodies.
"I have a dozen different bodies." Replied the other half of Emily.
"Moo!" Added the cowtaur while the pussy-mouthed Emily nodded sagely.
"That's.... fucking awesome!" I finally managed.
All of the Emily's beamed happily and converged on me in a group
The normal Emily, still pressed against me kissed my cheek. "Oh! And one more thing... I made this permanent.
This is my body now and forever!"
I was shocked and thrilled. "Wow! That's... fantastic! But, uh, what does this mean for us?"
All of Emily laughed and stepped apart. "Let me show you." purred the original Emily as the cunt-faced Emily knelt
in front of me and drew my cock into her face-pussy while her tits moaned with their mouths. I gasped and watched
as the Emily with dicknipples and the two-headed Emily with pussies on her tits embraced each other, driving their
genitals together. The unicorn Emily crawled up behind the pussy-faced Emily face-fucking my cock, rolled onto
her back, and drove her penis horn into cunt-mouth, whose tits moaned again shamelessly. Back-breasted Emily
climbed onto unicorn Emily's lap and started to ride her reverse cowgirl, both versions of Emily panting. The
hermaphrodite Emily meanwhile came up behind normal Emily and me, wrapping us both in her tentacles and
thrusting her cock into normal Emily who slammed against my back. In the background the other bodies of Emily
continued to pair off or form groups, sucking nipples and kissing pussies, and slipping fingers and tail tips into
cunts. I groaned again, overwhelmed by the feeling of face-cunted Emily wrapped around my cunt, and all around
me Emily panted and moaned. I felt normal Emily tense against my back as she orgasmed from being fucked by
herself. "Isn't... this... fucking... awesome..." she managed to blurt. I could only nod in agreement as I growled,
cumming inside Emily's mouth cunt.
"Merry Christmas!" shrieked cunt-face Emily's breasts as she finally came, "...and a happy new me!".
The End.
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