Chapter 34


Chapter 34: Misfortune

“Welcome to your new home,” Big Halley announces as she effortlessly lifts aside a metal panel and ushers me into a derelict spacecraft buried somewhere in Quarantine Zone 7. She smiles and her left eye continues to blaze and seethe with an unreality that tunnels into my mind.

“Um… it’s very nice?” I say to be polite, since it really isn’t. Just a bare metal room hung with posters of sexy Gladiators and a pile of dirty mattresses, some of which are folded against the wall to make a sort of couch. Deep down I want to leave, but I really don’t want to upset my new best friend. I wish I’d brought a bottle of wine or a gift, like a houseplant or pineapple. The room could use a little brightening up. “Thank you so much for having me!”

Big Halley has to stoop to fit inside and crawls to the nest of mattresses. She tosses off her cowboy hat and wriggles out of her enormous coat and sighs happily. Her gigantic body ripples with bulky muscle and soft curves and takes up nearly the entire chamber. Her huge breasts smile and fill her arms and her cock is rigid and staring at me. “COME SIT,” Big Halley says and I’m forced to crawl around her limbs like an obstacle course to find my own narrow perch in the mattress pile. 

Big Halley studies me with her mortal eye and frowns, “You should get comfortable.”

I lift my legs up to my chest and distantly feel phantom anxiety. “I am comfortable,” I say. I don’t want to be a bother. 

“You should GET NAKED,” Big Halley says.

I wince, “I’d really like to, but this jumpsuit is hard to get off!” I blush thinking of the hopping, squirming production, even with Lately or Freya’s assistance. I don’t want to make a fool of myself in front of my cool big clone. 

“Let me help,” Big Halley says reaching over and grabbing the fabric of my clothing. The erupting madness in her eyes flashes and my armored jumpsuit rips as if paper and crumbles to ash in her grasp. “Holy shit!” I say.

“That’s better,” Big Halley says. “Yeah!” Agree both her tits in unison. 

“I guess…” (No no no no no….)

“Why don’t you stand up and give us a twirl?” Big Halley asks.

I blush, “Um?”

“Don’t be bathful,” says Big Halley’s right tit. 

“You’re plenty fucking winsome,” adds left tit, golden tooth glinting. 

“Thith ith a sthafe sthpathe,” righty intones solemnly. 

“Okay…” (Not okay.) I stand and fidget, but then think why not make the best of it? I’m with my really good friends, right? This is a safe space. I take a deep breathe and do my best model walk, rolling my wide hips and ass, thrusting out my proud tits, and trying to display the elegant lines of my armless body. Surprisingly I feel sexy; my cock gets a little hard and the cunt on my face starts to drool. I strike a dramatic pose and smile with my eyes. Big Halley claps and her tits holler in appreciation. Halley-19 the cock is rock hard and dribbling precum. 

Standing in front of Big Halley like this I can’t help but see our similarities. We’re both clones of the same woman who became busty hermaphrodites, but built to a different scale. It’s like we’re different sized versions of the same doll, although Big Halley’s physique is more action figure to my elegant helpless plaything. “You really like me?” 

“Like you? I love you!” Big Halley drawls, gripping her giant cock. “I reckon this meeting is fated.”

“Woah!” (What the fuck?) “That’s amazing,” I gush.

Big Halley smiles and her left eye radiates simultaneous shadow and brilliance. “I should probably fill you in on the situation here.”

Yes! Some clarity would be very helpful! “Sure… if you want to…”

“Well folks in these parts call me Ms. Fortune, on account of meeting me is unlucky.”

“I’d hardly say that!” So unfair!

Ms. Fortune rumbles a chuckle and I feel it in my chest. “That’s very kind. ‘Course, I originally picked the moniker on account of I was decanted as Halley-13.”

My eyes grin and my labia puckers “That’s so clever!”

“Shit,” Lefty spits, “So that is an Earthling thing! Always figured she was lying!”

“Haha!” Righty says with a wide grin, “That meanth I win the bet. Pay up!”

“I’ll get right on that.”


Ms. Fortune gropes her tits, “Pay no mind to the Double Dees, they can be a bit too lippy at times.”

My eager to please self and terrified self find common ground: “Um… how did you all end up like this? Why are you so big and um?”

Ms. Fortune taps her scarred face beside the kaleidoscopic maelstrom of her left eye socket. 

“Yeah, that.”

“It’s a long tale,” The giant woman settles her body and pats her raised thighs. “Come HAVE A SEAT.”

I don’t want to but I happily climb onto Ms. Fortunes huge lap and straddle her waist so that her thighs make a backrest. My legs are spread wide and I can feel the inhumanly large shaft of her Halley-19 cock press warmly against my labia and balls. Halley-19’s eyeball studies me intensely from Ms. Fortune’s crotch and I feel the huge cock twitch with lust. I resist the urge to squirm and look way up to Ms. Fortune’s face. “Tell me the story.”

A giant hand reaches down to stroke my bare back and Ms. Fortune says, “I manifested, like we all do, naked and afraid, then spent some time in Flotsam city, made a few mistakes, and hit out for the Junk Desert to seek my fortune Scavenging. Reckoned I might find a treasure or two, parlay that into wealth and comfort or maybe a ticket back to Earth.” She chuckled, and I felt the rumble of it in my chest. “God! It was all such bullshit and bluster! All those wise Junk experts that’d filled my head with glory were liars or braggarts or plain fucking with me. There’s hardly any treasure out here, just a wasteland of garbage.

I tilt my head, “Clearly you found something valuable.”

She nods, “It’s like finding a diamond in a tundra.”

“How’d you manage it?”

“What does anyone do to fix their luck? I cheated.”

“What does that mean?”

“Here, let me show you.” She rests her big hands on my empty shoulders, fingers trailing down my back. The swirling madness of her ocular anomaly gains complexity, somehow meaning, mental unfolding, burrowing burrowing burrowing…


I stare down the scope of our one rifle and watch the three figures argue around the rusty steel box. I rest my finger on the trigger and stick my tongue out between my teeth. Maybe we should do this the easy way for once?

“What d’ya reckon boss?” Dejana asked, her gold tooth sparking in the sunlight. I look at her and she’s excited, her narrow face split in a lopsided grin. “Time to put on our cabaret act?” 


“Pleath give me the gun,” Desh said quietly, lisping on her tongue piercing. She brushes her dirty curls out of her eyes and holds out her hand for the rifle. I look at the identical twin sisters, lean and beatiful but a little careworn, dirty but resplendent in their tattered corsets and stockings. My Goodtime Gals gone bad. 

Dejana pouts, “How come you always get the gun?”

“Becauth I’m the betht thot,” Desh says primly.

“You aren’t that good!”

“Ladies…” Desh wasn’t that good a shot, truth be told, but the only person safe from Dejana was whoever she was actually aiming at. I hand the rifle to Desh and shrug at Dejana. “We all have our strengths.”

“Sure, boss. Whatever you say.”

Desh takes the rifle and crawls on her belly to a good overlook spot and stares down the gun for a while. “Thith’ll do.”

I rub my hands together and try to calm the gurgle of fear in my belly. This was no time for stage fright. I nod at Dejana, “You ready?”

“Reckon so boss,” she says baring her golden tooth.



“Howdy friends!” I say, stepping out of the rubble. 

“Damnable fates!” The scruffy human man in a tattered cloak says unhappily, hopping sideways.

“Who the fuck are you?” Another human gasps, a lean bald man with metal plates bolted to his skull. He reaches for a sidearm on his waist. 


A dusty crater appears between the man’s feet courtesy of Desh. “Rrrreach for the sky boys!” I hold up my hands as an example and nod at the third figure, the scrawniest Nordic man I’ve ever seen. “All of them if you please. I wouldn’t want all my heavily armed friends up in the scrap getting nervous.” The Nordic man lifts all four of his thin arms and spits. 

“What do you want?” Baldy asks. Dejana materializes from the substrate of the Junk like a ghost and helps herself to his weapon. Gold glints in her shit eating smile. “You!” Baldy says angrily.

“Howdy, lover,” Dejana purrs obscenely.

“I’m Ms. Fortune and I see you’ve already met one of my Goodtime Gals,” I tip my wide hat and Dejana sketches a bawdry curtsy with her tiny ruffled skirts. “It’s your unlucky day.”

“We’re here to rob you assholes,” Dejana adds with a friendly wink. 

Scruffy laughs, “What makes you think we have anything of value? Can you not recognize our destitution?”

“True y’all are a motley crew, but you seemed mighty concerned about what’s in that there lockbox. Open it.”

“Fucking do it!” Dejana says loudly.

“This is preposterous and barbaric! We shall follow no such requests!” 


Another smoking hole appears in the metal not but a few inches from Scruffy’s head.

“It was a command, not a request.”

The Scrawny Nord growls and glares with feverish eyes. His four hands open and close. 

“Next shot won’t be a warning.”

Dejana jabs Baldy with his weapon. “What about you, Lover? Feelin’ helpful? Feelin’ brave?”

“Careful, whore” he says. 

Dejana jabs him hard in the ribs and grinds the aperture of her borrowed weapon into his side. “Open! The! Fucking! Box!” She screams in his ear. “Or I’ll kill you like a fucking pig,” she whispers, her gold tooth caressing his earlobe. 

“Fine!” Baldy blushes angrily and touches the metal on his skull just so, and the safebox clicks. “There.”

The Scruffy man sighs and the Scawny Nord growls.

“If this is a trick,” Dejana says, voice husky with feigned lust, “I’ll fuck you up real bad.”

I sidle up to the lock box, place my foot on the lid and kick, bracing myself for a trap. But the box just clangs open. There’s not much in it, some ration blocks and power cells, and a few other Scavenging staples. I frown, it’s not exactly a promising haul. Why did Baldy brag about their incredible find when he paid for a night with Dejana? Was it all fucking bluster? We ought to shoot his balls off. Except… Well, well, well... What have we here? There’s some kind of small ceramic box that is giving powerful treasure vibes. I lift it and it’s surprisingly heavy. It’s warm too, and there is a subtle vibration to it that makes my fingers tingle. “Good luck follows the bad.”

Baldy sighs and Scruffy makes impotent fists and the Nordic scarecrow howls and lunges at me, pulling a knife from somewhere. I gasp and trip backwards, fall onto my back, but keep the precious box clasped to my chest. “Fucking gut you…” The Scrawny Nord spits.


And then he’s decapitated, a four-armed headless corpse, falling to its knees.

I pick myself up, cradling the box which sings to me like an angel. I shake my head, see Dejana and Baldy are wrestling, flighting over the strange little weapon, and that Scruffy is running for the hills, his ragged cloak blending into the Junk. I scoop up the Nord’s knife just as Baldy manages to roll on top of Dejana, pinning her to the ground. I take three long steps and stab the blade into Baldy’s back, making him scream and topple. I kick him and he tumbles aside. He somehow has his weapon and tries to stand and…


Another problem solved. I drop the bloody knife and nod up the hill to Desh, glad as always to have given her the gun. Dejana wipes blood from her face and scampers over to the lockbox, rummages, pulls out rations and survival kit, curses quietly.

“Find anything thexy?” Desh asks when she joins us in the camp.

“Nothing but hot fucking garbage,” Dejana sulks. 

“Not quite,” I admit, somewhat begrudgingly. 

“What ith it?” Desh asks. 

“Open it!” Dejana says.

I hug the ceramic box possessively, acutely jealous. I don’t want to share. I need to buy myself some time.

 “Not here.”


My mind trembles and swirls and jumbles and reassembles…


I’m holding the precious ceramic box and Dejana and Desh are watching me expectantly. My heart is racing and I’m sweating and my hands are shaking. I desperately want to open the box, but I’m frightened too. Wherever inside is calling to me, whispering without words, making promises or threats. Offering fortune or misfortune. I feel the ghost of one of my anxiety attacks on the edges, and force myself to take a long therapy session style breath. I am in control. I am a badass. I am a bandit Queen. This is my treasure. I smile at Dejana and Desh and open the box.


A star without light or heat or fire,
darkness and clarity,
eternal moment,
potential potential potential

My hand closes on the spherical impossibility in the box without a thought. My fist burns, melts and withers and swells and heals all at once. Electricity. Unfurling. Inexplicable. I might be screaming? Involuntarily I raised my clenched hand to my face and smash the contents into my left eye. Pain! Searing! Horrifying! Enormous! Endless! Agony! I feel my eyeball vaporize, the flesh of my face melts and warps, and something, an object, an absence, thrusts itself into the vacated socket, lodges there, roots. Dejana screams, clarion, pealing, piercing, and Desh vomits in terror. I’m making noises, choking, wailing, laughing, and thrashing too, seizing on the ground, hands hooked claws, face locked in a frigid boiling rictus, mouth foaming, while inside me connections are sought. I’m invaded, integrated, reassembled, made whole. Different somehow, but still me, still Halley-13. Ms. Fortune.

Gasping, spitting, I sit up and wipe my mouth. Half my vision is gone, obliterated with my eyeball, a hemisphere of darkness. In it’s place I feel a new sensation, a cosmic resonance in everything around me, but especially in my occupied left eye socket. Whatever it is rages with energy and the universe trembles to feel it’s touch like a submissive lover. Understanding unfurls and I lick my lips. Ms. Fortune indeed.

Dejana and Desh clutch each other, pale and horrified; trembling. Desh is crying and Dejana looks like she is about to faint. “It’s alright,” I say with a smile, and give them both a little willful push. “WE ARE ALL FINE.”

Dejana’s face splits in a familiar gold toothed smile. “Great boss! What the fuck happened?”

“I’m not sure,” I admit, touching the raw skin around my new eye.

“How doth it feel?” Desh asks, cautious but excited.

“Like it’s our lucky day!” I smile and the twin sisters grin in return. Two beautiful women, my friends and confidants, my sometime lovers. My Goodtime Gals. My gang. Nearly identical except for Dejana’s golden tooth and foul mouth or Desh’s stupid tongue piercing. Except now I could examine them completely, sense the spark of firing neurons, the steady pulse of their circulatory systems, the tension of sinew and muscle, the ineffable state of their minds, all the ways they were so very similar and yet totally unique. I feel a giddy surge of love and lust… and a new sensation. The maelstrom in my face needs something, desires it, yearns, commands. It has requirements. Requirements from my gang. I feel an ache in my soul, an emptiness that demands filling. A hunger. “Girls,” I whisper, “I NEED YOU.”

Dejana smiles her filthy smile and unfastens her basque, baring her tits, “Fuck me raw, boss.”

Desh blushes, a little shy, a little hesitant, but follows her sister’s lead and slips out of her ruffled little skirt. Her pert pussy is wet. “Yeth…”

I kiss them both hungrily on the mouth, tasting their lips, their breath, the essence of their lust, their vitality, and the whirling mass of their atoms. I drink them in and feel the unknowable vortex in my eye socket soak them up, their metaphysical vectors, their existence, their matter, piqued but not sated. “MORE,” I gasp, hands fumbling with Desh’s corset, I groan in frustration. I feel a surge in my skull and the universe trembles at my desire, and instantaneously we are all totally naked, me and the twins, who are kissing my neck and caressing my body. I want them both desperately, to fuck them rough and hold them to me tenderly, to be together forever. The girls lean in and chew on my shoulders, their mouths hot, their essence resonating with mine, entwining. I touch them and my fingers tingle and pass into them, join us for a moment into a new whole and I experience euphoria. Yes! This is what I need! To consume! The storm in my skull pulses with arousal. I let my hands ghost through their bodies, their racing hearts, and moaning throats, out through their chins. I grab them gently and pull their lips to my achingly hard nipples. Dejana and Desh kiss me, suck on me, stroke me with their tongues. I tip my head back and moan, pleasure arcing through my body. With shaking hands I grasp them by the back of their heads and push them against my tits, onto my tits, into my tits. The hurricane in my skull explodes in ecstatic frenzy! I watch as the twins lips fuse into my flesh, their tongues conjoining with my nipples. Their eyes are wide in shock and pleasure for a moment, but then they seal over with smooth skin as their faces, their skulls, their necks are absorbed into my breasts. I take a step forward, a woman with two bodies sprouting from her chest, six feet scrabbling on the ground. I rake my hands over the twin’s backs, leaving red scratches, desperate to pull more of them inside me. Dejana and Desh blindly clutch at me, groping and pulling, as if they were trying to help climb inside. We all stumble as their arms and legs go limp and wither, while their bodies grow swollen and boneless. I gasp and nearly fall down as their weight becomes mine, dragging heavily at my chest, two deforming torsos squirming helplessly. I grunt and feel a newfound surge of strength, some of their mass flowing into my musculature. I stand up taller and hoist the quivering shrinking bodies of my Dejana and Desh. I grope them, crush them into my chest, fondle them like the giant tits they are becoming, that they are. My tits! My new tits! The maelstrom inside my skull radiates joy and energetic satiation and I caress my hugely expanded breasts, shaping them, making them perfect, making them mine. I laugh and smile and feel Dejana and Desh inside me, as part of me, joyful additions to my pattern. I shiver at the incredible intimacy of it. I gasp and experience a burst of orgasmic euphoria. 

I feel incredible!  But… I’m a little troubled too, perturbed by the cost of this, the loss of companionship, the loss of their voices. On balance it’s a fair bargain, but maybe I don’t have to make this sacrifice? The ecstatic dynamo in eye socket tastes my wish and I feel a surge of heat in my tits, in my Dejana and Desh, and I whimper as I feel an engorged splitting sensation in my nipples. I moaned and two new voices gasp from inside my breasts. I touch them, feel lips, and hard teeth, and wet mouths, and a tongue with a stupid piercing. “Girls? Are you okay?”

“Oh fucking fuck boss…” groans Dejana, my left breast.

“Mmm yeth…” purrs Desh, my right breast.

I hug my tits, my Double D’s, my Goodtime Gals!

My gang! My body!

Now and forever!


I blink and am myself again, straddling Halley-13’s huge lap and cock. Ms. Fortune’s big smiling tits are right in my face. I recognize a gold tooth, a striking mole, and the little puckered X of a scar. Dejana and Desh. Her twin best friends and lovers. Her breasts. (Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! I am in so much fucking trouble!) I smile and blush, “Wow! That was intense!”

“Sure fucking was,” Dejana the tit agrees.

“Tho intenthe!” Desh lisps.

“Yeah,” Ms. Fortune gives her tits a fond grope and smiles. “That’s how we found my special eyeball and how these ladies became my bosom companions.”

(Fuck!!!) I study Ms. Fortune, all muscular eight-something feet of her, and recall the sensation of growing. “Is this how you became so big too?

Halley-13 shakes her head, “Nah, I only gained a few inches from absorbing the Double Dee’s. Most of my gains came after I added Halley-19 to my body; then I really grew up. Consuming her was much more satisfying…” She shrugs, “No idea why though.”

“Oh!” I say brightly, excited to share with my big friend, “It’s probably because Halley-Prime wasn’t human. Or she was, at least physically, but her like soul, I guess, was extraterrestrial.” I bite my lip and squirm, “We Halleys are all aliens, sort of.”

Ms. Fortune tips her head back and laughs, “No shit! That’s crazy.” She leers down at me puts a possessive hand on my head, “It does explain why I hunger so deeply for you, though.” She licks her lips.

(No no no no no no! Fuck!!!) I blush and squirm, rubbing my cunt on Ms. Fortune’s enormous Halley-19 cock. “I’m sure I’m delicious!” (Nononononono…)

Ms. fortune strokes her chin, “Why don’t I give you a preview?”

“Awesome!” (Noooooo!)

The kaleidoscope of madness flares brighter, becomes fractile with meaning, and I feel my mind captured and slip sideways, a sudden epiphany, and then down down down down down down….


I’m gasping for breath and my heart is racing so fast it hurts. I pick myself off the ground and spit, test my ankle and it spasms in pain. Fucking sprained! I hobble a few more pathetic agonizing steps. Badly fucking sprained! I look around desperately, see I’ve tumbled into a scree of small metal chunks and plastic, a loose sandpit of crap too tiny to hide in. I try to limp away, but it hurts so much, and the pebbly ground pulls at my every step. This is hopeless!


I hear a crunch and the electric whine of servos. I stop and sigh. “I told you, nobody knows where she is. She’s disappeared.”

“Yet. You. Come. To. This. Place?”

I turn and raise a pair of my hands, nonthreatening, but keep my lower arms hugged around my torso hidden under my desert poncho. I subtly slide my lower left hand down to touch the handle of my raygun. “I told you I’m just following up on a hunch.”

The bounty hunter snorts wide nostrils and tosses its long white equine head. Their exoskeleton sighs and they rest taloned hands on their weapons. Feverish red eyes glare at me suspiciously. “This. Is. A. Long. Way. To. Travel. For. A. Hunch.”

I shrug my top shoulders. Quarantine Zone 7 was a long way to travel for any reason, but it was the only lead left from my investigations. I wanted, no, I needed to follow this one last thread before I gave up the search. Better to be way out here than dealing with… “I had nothing better to do with my time.”

“Bethatso… Why. Not. Hunt. Together?”

Because you are a terrifying monster who wants to abduct Prime? Sure, why don’t I lead your right to her? “Because it’s probably a wild goose chase.”

“Wild goose?” The huge white alien tilts its head in an alarmingly anserine way and grinds its beak.

“A pointless exercise. I wouldn’t want to waste your time.”

“Itisasyousay… I. Have. Nothing. Better. To. Do.”

I stare at the bounty hunter and it stares back, neither of us move, the only sound is the wind and the buzz of servos. Jesus, what am I going to do? I’ve seen how fast this monster can move. I lick dry lips and feel sweat trickle down my back. Shit…

“Well, well, well, well, well… what in the Tarantino have we got here?”

“Looks like a fucking standoff, boss.”

“Yeth, a real thticky thitchuathon.”

“I think we ought to try and mediate a peaceful resolution. Be good Samaritans.”

“What’th a Thamaritan?”

I hear the crunch of heavy footfalls and spare a glance at the newcomer. She’s tall, 6-something and big, muscular and sturdy. Improbably she has her tits out, big round boobs with lips instead of nipples? Mouths? And she’s wearing a cowboy hate and an eyepatch and… fuck! She’s me! Another Halley clone!

“Howdy Halley,” my tall one-eyed clone says happily, “Howdy Flash. What a lucky day!”

“Youagain!” The bounty hunter snaps their beak and somehow looks angrier.

“Harassing innocent Halleys still?”

“This. Does. Not. Concern. You.”

“I thought I told you to fuck off?” One-eyed Halley asks while her breasts blow raspberries at the bounty hunter. A tongue ring glints from the right tit. I should use this chance to run away. I shift my weight and my ankle flares with pain. Shit! Maybe I could shoot the hunter while they’re distracted… 

“I. Do. Not. Fuck. Off.”

“I believe my exact words were: leave here and never return?”


One-eyed Halley nods, “Ah, true enough. You and I do get around the Junk, don’t we Flash?” She fingers the flap of her eyepatch and the bounty hunter draws their blasters in a blink, training one on Halley and one on me. 

“I’m happy to leave you two to work things out,” I offer, taking a limping step backwards.

“Stay!” Barks the hunter.

“Yeth, do thtay!” Lisps Halley’s tit.

“We’ll be done with this stupid fucker in a second,” promises the other tit with a glint of gold.


“Don’t talk to my tits like that,” One-eyed Halley scolds, “My eye is up here.”

She flips up her eyepatch and…


Dripping, twirling, rushing, falling, flying,
a breath held forever,
 illusionary calm,
manic tranquility
accelerating stillness

My mind stills and all four of my arms go slack. 

The bounty hunter drops their weapons and goes catatonic.

One-eyed Halley grins and cracks her knuckles and her tits smile cruelly. “What shall we do with you Flash? Suggestions?”

“We ought to bury them up to their fucking neck and leave them for the Night Feeders.”

“I vote we thrtip them naked and make them danthe until they pathe out.”

Halley pats her breasts fondly, “Great suggestions gals, but it all sounds a bit too high effort.” She smiles at me and my mind shivers. “Especially since we have such a lovely new friend to get acquainted with.”

One-eyed Halley snaps her fingers, “Flash, why don’t you be a doll and RUN ALONG HOME TO FOLLY.

The Bounty Hunter nods eagerly and dashes rapidly across the scree filled crater, legs and arms pumping rapidly in a loping four-legged gait, exoskeleton shrieking in effort. The hunter reaches the embankment and nimbly scales it, lunging between debris, dirty cloak flapping like wings, until with a final leap the hunter disappears from view. “That ought to keep them busy awhile.”

My cyclopian clone looks at me and I stare into the writhing chaos erupting from her face. Distantly I notice her smile at me, “Now that we’ve lost the riff-raff we can get on with the business of being GREAT FRIENDS.”

My mind tumbles and a happy burst of familiarity fills my chest. “Hi! I’m Halley-19!”

“Howdy sis, I’m Halley-13 but folks round here call me Ms. Fortune.”

“Ms. Fortune?”

“Because meeting me is always a lucky occasion.”

The bounty hunter didn’t look so lucky, but anyway I titter and grin, “I guess that makes me Ms. Fortune-ate!”

“Cute,” Ms. Fortune says, leering at me oddly. She licks her lips like she’s hungry and thoughtfully strokes her tits. “What’d ya say, girls? Should we invite Halley here to join our gang?”

“Sure thing!”


“Sounds great?” I say, playing along.

“You should get more comfortable,” Ms. Fortune says. “STRIP FOR ME!”

I smile shyly, “Um? Okay.” I sway my hips and unfasten my poncho, let it drop to the ground, and try to do something elegant with my four arms. I feel goofy, but Ms. Fortune and her tits are smiling, so I open the neck of my jumpsuit and peel it back, bare my four modest breasts with their barbell stud piercings. Ms. Fortune raises an eyebrow and I wink, yeah so I’m a little kinky. I’m a little naughty. I touch my keyband and my jumpsuit gets looser and I slip it off my arms and shoulders, leave it around my waist like a skirt. I turn my back to my audience and stick out my butt and one of Ms. Fortune’s boobs whistles in appreciation. Butterfly tingles dance in my crotch and my nipples ache with arousal. I glance back over my shoulder, teasing, and slide my jumpsuit below my hips and step out of my boots. I pull the clips out of my long hair and let it fall loose over my shoulders and face in an inky cascade. “How was that?” I ask, voice husky.

“Magnificent,” says Ms. Fortune, husky herself. 

“Thanks!” I say with a big smile and blush.

“Want to have sex?”

I blink, surprised by her directness, but then again I did just put on a sexy show for her. I’m feeling a bit frisky too, all warmed up from my dance, and it’s not like she’d be the first Halley I’d fucked. This could be fun? I’ve already gone through the trouble of disrobing…but… “I like you a lot! But, well, we’ve only just met?” I hug my belly with my lower arms. “And this isn’t exactly the most romantic spot…”

Ms. Fortune surveys the junky crumb filled crater. “A fair assessment.” She frowns and the seething impossibility flashes darkly. “How about just a kiss then? For rescuing you? Then maybe I could play with you somewhere more plush.”

I shrug and smile, “Sure? Why not?” What could a little kiss hurt?

I sashay over to my tall clone sister, let my arms sway, thrust out my tits a little. The secret to a good kiss is the build up, right? 

I stop in front of her and look up, she’s a few inches taller than me. I stand up on my tip toes, but she stops me with her hands. “Not my lips,” she admonishes playfully. 

“Huh?” I smile through my confusion, “Then where?”

She boops my chin and tilts my head down. Oh, a kiss on her pussy? Does she want me to eat her out? Right now? I thought we’d hit pause on the sex party? But instead she touches herself on the bald bulge of her public mound. “Right. Here.”

I grin and shake my head a little. Of all the places for a smooch? She has so many lips! “Sure,” I say, kneeling down so my face is lined up with her crotch. I grab the back of her ankles and trace my other hands over the backs of her legs, her thighs, the plush expanse of her ass. “Yessss…” she says.

I pucker up… 

Make a kissy noise…

Lean in…

My lips brush her skin…

Heat and pressure explode in my face, pleasurable ecstasy rushes through my body! My pussy spasms in orgasm and I try to moan and gasp but my lips are stuck to her skin! No not stuck… melded! Merging! I feel face dissolving, flowing, deforming… My nostrils seal over and my jawbone dissolves; my hair falls out in clumps. My eyes go wide in shock and joy, strain for one last look, before my eyelids slam closed, seal themselves forever. I’m blind and deaf and mute. My legs scrabble at the ground and my four arms clutch at Ms. Fortune, grope for meaning. I feel a hand stroke my back and a strange new pleasure ripple along my body. I’m aware of my head dissolving into her body, my skull melting, my brain consumed, but somehow my mind is whole, euphoric, awash in erotic sensation! My bare skin tingles and I feel a thunderous pulse as boiling hot blood rushes into me. I twitch and ache and my bones go spongy and absent, yet I remain rigid somehow. Inflated. Engorged. My skin tingles and the heat of my form radiates hungrily. My limbs become clumsy, floppy and deformed, shorter. Shrinking away. My knees leave the ground and I’m balanced on what’s left of my feet. I feel a strange twisting in my tits, grope them feebly with the flippers of my dwindling arms, feel my tits merge and harden, feel the skin around them grow sensitive and wrinkled and loose. I thrum in arousal and feel a pressure there, a new churning potential, floodwaters surging for release. My torso spasms and bucks, and thick slippery syrup oozes out of my cunt. Or whatever it’s becoming since my pissy and anus are flowing together, merging to become my sole opening, an aching slit inside the sensitive swelling mass of my hips and ass. I flail the tiny nubs of my limbs one last time and then I’m nothing but an aching urgent hardness, a column of flesh held aloft by internal pressure, a brewing storm held in check. Something strokes me, huge and soft and warm, and my entire length tingles with pleasure. My slit oozes more syrup and I spasm eagerly. It must be a hand? But it’s enormous! It grips my circumference and squeezes my body and I grow so hard its overwhelming, almost painful. The hand slips lower, fondles a part of me that dangles, heavy but loose, and so sensitive! Almost sickeningly so! I tighten and my entire form twitches. What have I become? Why does it feel so good? When will I finally get release?

I feel a weird squirming feeling and a pinch and I can see! I blink my eye, singular, and see a huge shaft of flesh jutting into my vision…

A cock! 

A huge penis with a proud bulbous circumcised glans! 

Huge, erect, straining, veiny, and twitching with a thunderous pulse, cock!

Jutting up and away from my viewpoint, like I’m aiming down a lewd canon. A hand sweeps into my view and grasps the cock… grasps me! 

The cock!

I’m the cock!

I feel a queasy thrill! I’m a penis! Ms. Fortune’s penis! And that churning urgent weight is me! Her testicles! The horrible incredible pressure inside is cum! Cum! I want to cum! Need to cum! To ejaculate! To erupt! To explode! 

Ms. Fortune’s hand pumps faster and faster and I spasm and squirm and spit lube from my tip! Her other hand drops into view and cups my glans, caresses it! Ohhhh! Jesus! Fucking! Christ! If the nuns could see me now! Ms. Fortune is panting! My host! My body! And her tits, our tits, are moaning and gasping! I squeeze my eye shut and feel the pressure inside me surge and buckle, break like death, and a furious rhythmic clenching! My eye is forced wide as my body bucks and kicks and I feel a tidal wave of ecstatic boil through the core of my form like an orgasmic tsunami! I feel and see thick white ropes of semen explode from the cock! From me! I’m cumming! All of me is cumming! Oh Fucking Christ! I’m a cumming cock!

I’m a cock!



I’m a cock! My head is thrust back and I’m howling and grinding my engorged cunt on Halley-19s shaft and my own cock is cumming, spurting hot semen on my legs and on Ms. Fortune! Fuck! Fuck… “Oh Jesus Wept…” I say, tears in my eyes.

“Intense isn’t it?” Ms. Fortune asks, a twinkle in her human eye and infinite madness in the other. 

“Yeah…” I manage (while deep inside I recoil).

“Imagine how good it would feel for a living cunt?”

“Wh-what?” (No! No fucking way!)

Ms. Fortune smiles, and runs her gigantic finger along the wet cunt on my face, “As soon as I saw your face I knew you were perfect.”

“Really?” (Please no!)

“I’ve been saving my flower for someone very very special.”

“You want me to be your pussy?” (Noooo!)


I blink my eyes at the force of her ocular maelstrom. (No no no no!) Did I want to be her pussy? To merge with her cunt? To become nothing but labia and a clit and moist hole for fucking? (No! Fucking no!) To live for nothing but pleasure? The feeling of my whole being penetrated, stretched, fulfilled? To have purpose. To be free of anxiety and choices and problems. To be part of a gang. A family. A body. A beautiful hole to fuck… (NooooOOOoooo!!)

“Oh,” I blush, “it does sound pretty tempting…” 


Ms. Fortune smiles, “I’d make sure you had an eye too, just like Halley-19 here.” She taps her pubic mound, “Right next to hers, like a little face.”

“That’s nice.” 

(What the fuck!!!!)


I frown and squirm, feel the warm pulse of arousal in my vaginas, the obscenely enlarged original between my thighs, the hybrid in my asshole, the disfiguring drooling slit on my face. I’m basically already a walking cunt. It’s what everyone sees when they look at me. Why not take it further? Go all the way? I take a deep breath and nod, “Yes, let’s do it! Make me your pussy!”

(No no no no no no!!!)

Ms. Fortune and her tits smile warmly. Halley-19’s eye scrunches in delight and her cock-body bucks between my thighs.

“Should we do it here?” I ask humping my hips along Halley-19, getting into the pussy mood.

Ms. Fortune shakes her head, “No we should head outside, no telling how big we’ll grow.” 

Ms. Fortune gently lifts me off her and stands, pushes the exit open, and helps me climb outside into the Junk. The rusty steel is hot and rough under my bare feet and the sun is hot on my naked skin. I close my eyes and bask, aware this is the last time I’ll feel sunlight on my back. 

(Noooo! Fucking run! Idiot! Asshole!)

Ms. Fortune stands a few feet from me, resplendent like a groom at the alter. She’s huge and muscular and her huge tits smile at me like proud groomsmen. Halley-19 is rock hard with excitement. Her best manhood. I take a step and walk to them like their bride.

(Nooo! Help! Fuck!!!)

I lower myself to my knees and pull back my armless shoulders, stare all the way up at Ms. Fortune, Halley-13, make an offering of myself. She nods, smiles, her left eye an insane universe that tugs at my essence like a magnet. Ms. Fortune lifts her balls up and aside and I see her cunt, her cute pink labia, slick with arousal but surprisingly small for how big she is. Tidy. Demure. I smile, I’m sure I’ll fix that. 

(No! No! No! Noooo!)

I take a deep breath and rub my facial labia together. All it will take is one tribbilistic smooch and I’ll be her cunt! 




I lean forward and…


Ms. Fortune collapses under a metal projectile!

“Hu-Ahhh!!” I’m tackled by something! It clutches at me with hands and sharp limbs and it buzzes like a swarm. I look up and it’s a Halley wearing weird goggles and a metal helmet with antenna. “I got you!” She says brightly.

She shimmies down my body and I realize she’s small, like half my height, and has gossamer wings like an insect. She latches onto my leg and beats her wings with a powerful buzz. “Too heavy! Some help?”

Ms. Fortune growls and pushes the steel off her body. “Fee-fi-fo-fum!!”

“Hurry up!” Three more metallic insect creatures grab me, all of them little Halley’s. They all latch onto my legs, two apiece. “Ready?” The first one asks. “Yeah!” The rest chorus. “Go!” They collectively launch themselves in a tornado of beating wings. Together they manage to lift me off the ground and drag me into the air, dangling upside down by my legs. “We got you!”

“No!” I whine, “Put me down! I’m supposed to be with her!”

(Ignore me! Keep going!)

Ms. Fortune roars and kicks the ground, “She’s mine you buggy little assholes!”

I squirm and thrash and the insectoid Halleys desperately cling to me and fly away faster. “Just a bit further…”

… and suddenly I’m free! My mind is my own again! “Oh Jesus!” Oh fuck I was almost a cunt! That was too fucking close! Fuck! And poor Halley-19! “God…”

“Hey, it’s okay! You’re safe now!” One of my rescuers flies into sight. She’s me, but halfling size, and some sort of hybrid of Earthling girl and metallic insect, like a cyborg honeybee. One of at least five cyborg honey-me’s carrying my naked ass away. Carrying me somewhere…

Oh fuck…

I’m still in trouble.


To be continued…
