Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Paper Lanterns

I’m on my back and Clementine’s cock is in my face pussy and I’m doing my best to fuck it and suck on it and do whatever other mouth things I still can, but I’m also sort of just laying here getting fucked because I’m totally distracted by Clem’s lips wrapped around my own cock as she blows me. Why can’t I ever do two things at once? I need to multitask! Sixty-nining is so much harder than fucking… I gasp and feel an orgasm roll through my face, which is enough to push my cock over the edge. I grunt and thrust my hips and ejaculate into Clem’s mouth. Clem makes a surprised sound, but manages to slurp and swallow my torrent of cum. Clementine spits out my penis and fucks me in the face harder, and faster, focused and eager to cum. My head bounces on the mattress and I moan and orgasm again, and then Clem let’s out a little shriek and her cock erupts into my mouthpussy, boiling cum shooting down my throat, making me shudder and orgasm one last time.

Clementine sighs and flops down next to me. I turn my head and her softening cock is still trapped in my cunt. Breathing heavily through the slits behind my ears, I stare at my lover’s crotch and feel happy. Really happy. Clementine is everything I loved about Clem but in a more confident, sexier package. She’s reliable and kind and funny, but assertive and, to borrow a therapyTM word, actualized. She’s Clem refined, a finished product. And she fucks like the devil herself. So why the fuck am I thinking of leaving?

I should count my blessings that this goddess is willing to waste her time on an armless, cunt-faced dweeb and enjoy this. Follow Halley-4’s good (but condescending) advice to live, laugh, love right here on Flotsam. Build a life with Clem and Bluebell and whoever else I want. Be my best kinky self. And yet…

Pussy knows where Halley-Prime went missing.

I know where Halley-Prime went missing.

I frown and Clem’s soft penis falls out of my mouthpussy. Why do I want to know what happened to Prime so badly? I’m glad I exist, but I don’t really feel any special obligation to her. She might as well be a stranger or a ghost. I guess it would be nice to have closure: for her, for myself, for all the other Halleys, and Clem too. But would it actually make me happier? Somehow I don’t think so. Is it the mystery? Do I only want answers just to solve the puzzle? Is this all an unhealthy urge to satisfy my own gnawing curiosity? Is finding answers really worth blowing up my life?

I turn my head and look at the ceiling, the first thing I saw with my freshly cloned eyes. Why does it have to be me that goes? I found out Halley-Prime was an alien and that she was the abduction target. I learned from Pussy where Prime went missing. Shouldn’t that be enough? Didn’t I do my part? I could pass on my hot tip to Gan Ceann and make it her problem. I could hand off the baton to the next Halley clone. Let someone else finish the story. But… but I want to do it. I want to solve the mystery.

Fuck me.

I kick my legs and try to sit up, which remains just idiotically difficult without arms. Grasping, writing, lifting, high fives, sure. Makes perfect sense. But lifting yourself off your back without a whole gymnastic production? Why is that such an arm intensive activity? It’s bad design. Totally unfair. Clementine notices me flailing, grabs me by the shoulder, and pushes me up until I’m able to get myself situated. I cross my legs. “Thank you,” I say, my face burning with a blush.

“Of course,” Clem says with a smile. She brushes my hair behind my shoulders and wipes off the cum draining onto my face. “What’s up?”

I sigh, “You know I’m happy, right?”

Clem smiles, “I have some idea.” She dabs a little more semen off my chin.

“Like, really happy?”

“I’m happy too.” She quirks a perfect eyebrow, “What’s up?”

“I want you to know that I love being with you and want to explore whatever this is. Lovers? Dating? A relationship?”

Clem laughs, “We’re having the talk?”

“No! Well, maybe. Yes?” I frown, “I guess we are.”

Clem smiles, “I love being with you too, and I’m open to fooling around or dating for real.” She runs her fingers through her hair, “You should know I’m not really into monogamy anymore. I don’t have any like, life partners right now, but I do have some romantic friends and lovers. And also Pussy.”

I nod, I figured this wasn’t going to be exclusive. And anyway I have… whatever I have with Bluebell and I’m not willing to give that up either. Romantic friendship? That’s probably a good name for it. “I want to be with Bluebell too,” I blush, “and others.” Like HAL-E and maybe Halley-16 in the Sexbox.

Clementine smiles, “That’s fine.” She leans in and kisses me on my facial labia. “Then I guess that officially makes me your girlfriend.”

I feel butterflies in my stomach and not just because someone kissed my pussy. “Awesome!” My eyes pinch in a big smile and then I remember the real point of the conversation. I sigh, “But…”


“Remember when I said I'm so happy with you? It’s important you know how true that is!”

“Okay,” Clem says with a curious frown. “Because?”

“Because I learned where Halley-Prime was when she went missing.”

“Oh, shit.” Clem blinks her eyes, “How?”

“She kept a secret diary, a paper one. Someone read it and told me what she was planning in her final entry.”

“Wild! Can I see it?”

“Nnnooo…” I shouldn’t rat out the cat. “My, um, contact destroyed it. I’m getting my info second hand?”

“When did you learn this? You’ve been hiding out here since…” Clem’s eyes go wide. “Pussy! Fucking cat!”

“I know but! She was doing it to protect you!” I can’t believe I’m saying this: “Please don’t be mad at her.”

Clem takes a deep breath and grips her horns tightly. She blows out the air like a bull and smiles ruefully, “Catgirls…” 

Then she looks at me: “You want to go after her?”

“Yes, I think I do.” I take a deep breath, “But I feel like I’m abandoning you just when…”

Clem touches my shoulder, “Halley, it’s okay.”

“It is?”

“Of course, if this is something you need to do, then I’m on board.” She rubs the smooth contours of my armless body. “I’ve known a lot of Halleys in my life and been with more than a few of them. You are all bright, funny, stubborn, quietly driven, and deeply curious, maybe too curious for your own good. I love that about my Halleys, about you. I’d never change it, even if I could.” She smiles, “So go be intrepid, but try to stay out of trouble. I want you to come back to me in one sexy piece.”

Tears sting my eyes and I dump my body into Clem’s waiting arms. Fuck, what did I do to deserve this person? “Of course,” I gasp into her chest, “I owe you answers don’t I?”

Clementine strokes my hair and back. “Where did Halley-Prime go missing?”

“Somewhere called Quarantine Zone 7.”

“Hmm…” Clem gently pushes me out of her arms and pokes at her Keyband. A holographic map of Flotsam appears in the air next to the bed. I shuffle on my knees to get a better look. There’s the Mesa City, the Spaceport, and the endless scrap heaps of the Junk Desert. “Quarantine Zone 7,” Clem says and the map zooms out, way out, to show a red highlighted area a few hundred miles from Flotsam City.

“Shit,” I say. “That’s far.”

“Yeah…” Clem agrees. 

“How am I going to get my armless ass all the way there?”

Clem taps her chin, “I bet we could get you onto a Salvager outfit which gets you most of the way there... I can talk to Hank and see if he knows anyone trustworthy going that way.”


Clem gives me a look, “And I can Shape you some new limbs…”

“Ugh don’t start.”


“Yeah, I know I can’t go on a big dangerous adventure without arms. But let me think about it, okay?” There has to be something that doesn’t involve disgusting hands or tentacles. Could I get a trained space monkey? “I’ll work something out.” I sigh, “But first I need to talk to Bluebell about this. I owe her an explanation too.”


I stumble on a loose stone and try to throw out my arms for balance, but I don’t have any arms, so instead I do a running dance and just barely manage to stay upright. Fuck, that was close! Almost a one way trip to faceplant city. I sag against a wall and take a few deep breaths to calm down.

It’s my first time outside with my new body configuration and it’s a lot. I’m wearing good walking boots, tights, and a cute blue polkadot dress that has a high neck but leaves my limbless shoulders deliciously bare. I have a matching polkadot facemask covering my pussymouth and so far it hasn’t slipped (but what will I do if it does?) and I’m sporting my new pixie hairdo, a practical choice for the journey ahead. I think I look really cute, but I’m obviously not normal. Sure my pussy face is more drastic than my armlessness, or at least more vulgar, but I can hide that behind a mask. I look like a germaphobe or someone with a shit immune system, but not a freak. Now I’m publicly flaunting my difference like a Changeling, which is coming with a certain amount of very mixed attention. Disapproving stares, curious stares, and occasional leers. I feel embarrassed and shy and exposed… and more than a little turned on. I’m a kinky helpless girly and everyone knows it, and it’s smashing a subby exhibitionist button that says ohhhh yessss…But, cool it Halley, you need to focus or you’re going to pitch a tent and drool right through your mask. 

And probably trip down a flight of stairs.

I sigh and carefully start walking. The other thing about being armless out in the wide world is how different everything feels. My balance is strange without the motion and weight of my awful arms; I have to push my chest out more and I’m so aware of the sway of my hips. I have to be super intentional with every footfall since I have nothing to catch myself with if I trip, and I can’t use handholds in tricky spots. I feel vulnerable too. I can’t fend off another sapient, or at least not easily, so I’m being too vigilant about everyone around me. And if something happens and I need help? Well, my keyband is strapped to my ankle where it will do me a ton of good. I mean, I can’t even pick anything up or manually open a door. This is crazy! Flotsam without arms seems so much bigger and more challenging, and it makes me feel helpless in a scary, unsexy way too.

But fuck, if I can’t walk from Clem’s apartment to Bluebell’s house without help, how am I ever going to explore something called a Quarantine Zone!?

Okay, Halley, you got this. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. 



I squirm and moan as another orgasm explodes in my face. “Fuck,” I gasp as Bluebell pulls the food tongs out of my oral cunt. The savory falafel like ball slides down my pussy-throat into my gizard-thing. My cock is rock hard under the table. Jesus, getting fed is amazing! Bluebell smiles at me and brandishes the sex-slick tongs, “Do you desire Mmmoore?”

I blush, “That’s a loaded question.” But I’m already stuffed and anyway we have something to talk about.  “I better not.”

Bluebell holds the wet tongs up to her nose and gives them a long sniff. “This one never thought feeding an invalid would be so stimulating.” Nictitating membranes swish over her large black eyes. “This one finds she enjoys your helplessness.” 

I blush and fidget, getting fed like this is really sexy for me too. I shimmy my blunt shoulders, “I always took you for the nurturing type.”

“Moo,” Bluebell says, her ropey tail flicking. “You will not be claiming this when it is time to discipline you.”

My cock twitches “Promises…”

I take a deep breath, “But, um, we need to talk.”

“This one is, what is the saying? All ears.”

I look at my wonderful alien lover. She is a beautiful combination of Blue alien and curvaceous cowgirl. She has the big black eyes of her species and wide nostrils, but generous lips and bovine horns and ears. She’s very tall by human standards, but also curvy with four huge breasts and a cow udder hanging from her belly. She has a cow’s ropey tail and hooves feet and her skin is a pale blue covered in midnight blue blotches, like an azure holstein. She is beautiful and kind and smart and maybe the most patient sentient I’ve ever met. I love her dearly. “Oh Jesus, how do I say this? I love being with you, as your friend and lover and business partner. I want to stay with you forever and make this ridiculous dairy thing work. But…” I scrunch my toes, “I learned some things about myself, about Halley-Prime. She was abducted because she wasn’t human, not deep down. It was some sort of disguise.” I shake my head, “I’m not human either.”

Bluebell licks her lips, “This one always recognized you were exotic.”

I blush and flex my truncated shoulders. “Thanks, but I also learned where Halley-Prime went missing. She thought she found something way out in the Junk Desert and went looking for it.” I force myself to look Bluebell in the eyes, “I want to go there and see what I can learn; about what happened to her and about what I really am. But it’s not fair to do this to you…”

Bluebell moos and touches me, “You should go.”

“But I’ve already put myself in so much stupid danger…” I shake my head, “You deserve better.”

“This one has invested her life chasing an insane fantasy. If you were to ask any well-adjusted Blue, they would inform you that this one is a pervert. A Deviant.” Bluebell’s membranes blink, “This one has risked so much and been deemed an outcast, all in the pursuit of her truest self. And yet she persevered and has found true joy and delight. And love.” Bluebell spreads her long fingered hands, “It would be the utmost hypocrisy for this one to deny you a journey of self-discovery. If an expedition into the Junk Desert helps you become your fullest self than you must do it.” Bluebell licks her lips and says… something? She sounds strange, like a foreigner and a dog and a bird muddled together.

“Sorry what?” I blink.

Bluebell repeats herself but slower and did she just say I love you? Why does it sound so weird? Is she trying to speak English!? Oh my god!

“Did you just say I love you?” That’s amazing!

“Yes. Did I pronounce it correctly?”

And for the second time that day I fling myself at a lover I do not at all deserve. “I love you too!”

Bluebell wraps her strong arms around me and crushes my body to the soft warmth of her bosom. I blink at the sting of tears in my eyes, “You learned English just for me?”


“You’re much to good for me! I don’t deserve you.”

“The notion that you need to deserve my affection is fallacious. I care deeply for you and that is enough.”

“But I’m such a reckless idiot! I don’t want to make you worry.”

“Worrying for someone you care for is a joy.” Bluebell tips her head, “But do strive to be safe.”

“I will.”

“There is a matter we need to discuss, however.”

I sit up and blink at Bluebell in confusion. “Sorry?”

Bluebell rests her hand on my still erect cock. “You have a penis now.”

“Uh, surprise?”

Bluebell’s hand slides under my clothes and firmly grasps my cock. “You will come and fuck me with it! Immediately!” 

Bluebell stands and drags me by my cock and I’m forced to stumble along behind her as she leads me straight up to her bedroom.


I’m laying on my back in Bluebell’s bed and I’m absolutely knackered. Bluebell made me fuck her brains out over and over and now I feel like I went running with the bulls. My cock is actually sore! “Moo,” I say breathlessly.


“Fuck!” I startle and try to sit up and fail. Bluebell is out on a medical call and I’m supposed to be alone. “Who’s there!?”

“Shit sorry,” A silver sphere floats above me and becomes a hovering HAL-E hologram. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

I flop back and relax, although my heart is still racing. “Hi, you maniac, you assassin.”

HAL-E floats above me, her spritely body weightlessly suspended over me like a glowing reflection. “I said I was sorry.” She rests her chin on her hand as if gravity was oriented in another direction. “And besides I brought a gift.”

“A gift?”

The hologram nods, “I solved your lack of arms problem.”

I sigh, “I’m completely happy without arms and wish everyone would just let me do my thing.”

HAL-E blinks out of sight and reappears standing next to the bed. “Sit up.”

I groan and roll myself over, having to kick a leg over and heave to get onto my front. Then I use my face to push myself onto my knees and strain my abdominals to crane my body up to a kneeling position. I awkwardly unwedge my legs so my bum is seated on the bed. “There.”

HAL-E has her arms crossed and gives me a skeptical look. “You think that’s going to cut it for an expedition?”

I blush, “I’m still working out the details.”

“As entertaining as it would be to watch you try and wingless this, I put a lot of effort into my gift. So could you please at least hear me out?”

“I guess you did rescue my ass. Again.”

“You’re welcome.”

“So what’s your solution?”

“Well, I know you don’t want any arms, hands, tentacles, or extra limbs, so I tried to come up with a non-physical body modification that would help.” HAL-E taps her forehead, “This was… not simple. I actually had to focus, close down all my instances, and run my entire consciousness on a single task. Which, woah, I have some processing horsepower. It still wasn’t enough: I’m still too human for the level of complexity I was after.” HAL-E smiles, “But it seems you made an impression on the Artist during your visit to his gallery. He… intervened and gave me what I needed to finish my project. So without further ado: ta-dah!”

The Grey drone grows a blister that becomes a tiny quicksilver marble. It floats toward me and stops a few inches from my face. I can see my reflection distorted on the surface. I shiver and think of the Grey Artist and the yawning endless intensity of our brief connection. “What will it do?”

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course.”

“Then let me show you.” And the silver marble touches my forehead and flows into me. I gasp as I feel something like cold spiderwebs weave through my skull and entangle with my mind. “Jesus!” 

The strange sensation dies away and I blink my eyes, confused. Something is different, but I can’t quite put a toe on it. I don’t seem to be physically altered and I don’t like, suddenly have new arms. But I can feel the room around me? I can somehow sense all of the objects in a six foot radius: my discarded clothes, the Grey drone, the lamp and side-tables, the bedspread, pillows, the contents of Bluebell’s drawers (keepsakes, a sleep mask, sex toys, an old tablet, a cowbell necklace from Clementine, a love poem from Aggronotham, medication), a dildo fallen under the bed, a glass sculpture, midnight snack crumbs. It’s not sight and not really touch, just a knowledge of where everything is and its spatial relationship to me. I realize I’ve felt this before, second hand from Halley-7 when she shared her giant cock memories with me. “What is this?”

“A kind of extended proprioception,” HAL-E says. “It’s like how you know where your hand, or well, foot is compared to the rest of your body, even if you close your eyes, but for everything around you too.”


“Here,” HAL-E says and the Grey drone becomes inert and falls to the ground with a metallic crack and starts to roll slowly across the floor. “Can you sense it?”

I close my eyes and focus, and I know exactly where the drone is. “Yeah.”

“Good, now concentrate and think about lifting it.”


“Just do it.”

“Okay Nike…” But I listen to my instructions and imagine grabbing the rolling sphere and… it stops? It’s suddenly stationary! Did I do that? With my mind? The place where the quicksilver marble touched my forehead radiates heat and cold. I frown and suck on my labia, can I actually do this? I take a deep breath and will the drone to lift off the floor. In my new senses the inert drone hesitantly floats off the floor, wavering slightly. I imagine lifting it to head height and open my eyes… “Holy shit!” The drone is aloft, right where I wanted it to be! “Fuck!” 

My concentration slips and the drone drops back to the floor with a bang. “Geez, careful,” HAL-E admonishes playfully. 

“What the fuck!?”

“I gave you telekinetic powers!”

“No way!” I don’t believe it! “This has to be a trick! The drone was just flying itself!”

HAL-E laughs, “Try it on something else then.”

I search the room with my new stuff-sense and grab onto the dildo under the bed. I imagine it lifting off the floor and floating into the air. I keep my eyes open this time and watch the dildo hesitantly hover into view. It’s made of translucent blue rubber and is girthy with a slightly inhuman shape. I blush, probably a Blue penis. I concentrate and make the dildo rotate slowly, and then faster, then I make it spin end over end like a baton. Holy shit! This is so cool! I push the dildo through the air, making it swoop like an obscene rocketship, do a loop-the-loop, and crash through HAL-E’s holographic mouth. “Rude,” she says with a big smile.

I park the dildo in hover and do my pussy-faced version of a smile, “Thank you!” This totally solves my appendage problem without adding any new limbs! I can interact with the world and look after myself, be independent if I need to. I can keep working with Bluebell on our dairy business. I can actually go on my adventure now! But… part of me enjoys feeling like a helpless sexy decoration. What’s the point of being armless if I can just shoot mind bullets at every problem? Can I even be helpless now? I could always tie up my disgusting arms during sex, but can I turn this new thing off? I know I need this, and it’s super cool, and I feel like an ungrateful shithead, but maybe this solution is too good? Is there something less effective I could try? Maybe I should’ve gone with the tail. “It’s really great.”

HAL-E looks at me like she can tell what I’m thinking. “But you like feeling helpless, right?”

I blush, “Maybe…” Ungrateful shithead.

HAL-E grins and the Grey drone lifts itself off the floor and melts into a phallic shape. The silvery cock floats towards me and starts vibrating. “Say ahh.”


And then the drone-cock is squeezing itself into my face cunt. I gasp as I’m penetrated by a vibrator. “Focus,” HAL-E commands, “Don’t drop the dildo.”

I moan and try to follow her instructions, clutching the dildo with my mental grip. Pleasure radiates through my face and my new spatial senses feel blurry, fuzzy. The dildo drops a few inches and my telekinesis is suddenly clumsy. “Ohhh,” I hiss as the vibe grinds against my clitoris. “Fuck.” My sense of the room starts to contract, narrowing rapidly, and the dildo smacks the floor as I drop it. I can’t sense anything around me or feel my mental grip. I’m helpless! I whimper as the vibrating cock continues to fuck my face. “Fu-fuck…”

“I added a feature,” HAL-E whispers, her voice husky. “Just for you.” I twist and groan as an orgasm explodes in my face. “Your new telekinetic powers don’t work when you’re aroused. The hornier you get, the more helpless you are, until you are just an armless sex toy.” I moan and shiver in pleasure. “Sex is your new kryptonite.”


“Pretty cool, right?”

“Shut up... and fuck me…”


I use my telekinesis to launch the ball and watch Sceolàn chase it, her tail tucked back and eight tits bouncing with every joyful four-legged stride. The secret-agent-slash-doggirl scampers across the The Grove quasi-grass intent on her rubber prey. I smile, Sceolàn is so much fun. Maybe I want a doggirl? Is a pet too much responsibility? 

I look at the chrome Japanese fetish robot standing patiently next to me. The hyper-female robot is tall and sexy and covered with art deco spikes, antennas, and flourishes. She regards me silently with her black visor, her embossed false mouth permanently neutral. I know the fembot is piloted by Gan Ceann back in her mansion, here in disguise as Sceolàn’s robotic dog walker. “I guess you’re curious what I found out?”

The fembot inclines her head in a servile nod.

“Well, after I got captured, The Serpent was all too happy to tell me what was on the Memory Crystal. Apparently she didn’t really care who abducted us, since they covered their tracks, but was more interested in how they found us.”

The fembot regards me inscrutably. How is Gan Ceann’s headless body more expressive?

“Our abductors had a special device designed to find a specific non-human alien lifesign. Halley-Prime’s alien lifesign.” I pause for effect, “We’re not really human.”

The fembot freezes like it’s lost connection, but then inclines her head in another bowing nod. Sceolàn comes charging back and spits out the ball. She sits on her haunches and looks up at me, her human dog hybrid face glowing with idiotic glee. She paws impatiently at the ground and her tail thumps away. Totally dog-brained. She opens her mouth and barks. I focus on the ball, lift it with my mind, and hurl it out into the park again. Sceolàn is already chasing it. 

“She let me keep this.” I  concentrate and the magical ring of thievery floats out of my pocket and into the fembot’s waiting hand. The robot slips the ring onto a long chrome finger. “She wanted you to have it to independently confirm Halley-Prime’s extraterrestrial nature.”

Another fembot nod.

I consider telling Gan Ceann about what I learned from Pussy about Prime’s secret diary, about Quarantine Zone 7, and my upcoming journey. I know she’d find it interesting and probably try to help, but… I’m not sure I trust her. “You knew The Serpent was Halley-3, didn’t you?”

The chrome fembot pauses a beat and then gives me an elegant and noncommittal shrug.

She fucking knew! And didn’t tell me! 

Well fuck her then.

Sceolàn bounds back to us and drops the ball. I reach out with my mind and ruffle her furry years, “You’re a good girl, Sceolàn! Such a good girl!” She barks and wags her tail. “And you,” I say to Gan Ceann’s fembot, “Are going to need to find a new patsy. I’m out.” I turn my back and walk away.


I keep walking, eager to put some distance between me and Gan Ceann, following a trail through some Grove tree-analogues that I know will eventually spit me out in the right direction. I breath the sweet syrupy air and feel a giddy calm wash over me, and a growing warmth in my sexy bits. I sigh happily, fuck walking for anxiety, nature is the real balm. Especially alien nature filled with aphrodisiac feel-good chemicals. If not for the brain-assimilating parasitic STD this place would be heaven.

I walk around a thicket of Grove-bushes and almost run into two nude Dryads having sex. I recognize Rylnx, curvy and green-skinned, with long green hair sprouting white flowers and vines, standing up with her cock being sucked by another outrageously curvy green woman on her knees. Who judging by the rattle of bead necklaces is Halley-22. “Ha-hi Halley…” Rylnx lifts a hand off the back of Halley’s head to wave.

Halley-22 exhales Rylnx’s emerald cock and looks up at me with a smile  (while Rylnx let’s out a frustrated little groan), “Halley!”

“Hi ladies.”

Halley blinks her green eyes at me, “You don’t have any arms.”

I blush and shift my weight from foot to foot, “I’m trying something new.”

“It looks sexy,” Rylnx says, her cock still rock hard.

“Thank you.”

Halley-22 starts crawling toward me, her enormous breasts swaying. “Do you want to fuck?”

“Oh, um, I kind of have somewhere to be?” Except I immediately picture the three of us together. Halley-22 on her back, generous thighs spread, me fucking her with my new cock while she eats out my face. Halley barely holding me up with her arms, our big breasts rubbing. Rylnx crouched over me, fucking my pussy from behind, scratching at my back with sharp bark-like nails, pulling at my short hair. I can feel both my pussies drool hungrily and my new cock strain against the confines of my tights. I do, I do want to fuck. “Okay, yeah, let’s do this…”

“Awesome,” Rylnx says, hands stroking her cock and teasing a nipple. 

“I even have a surprise for you.” I reach out for my mind powers… and they’re already gone.

“…but I’ll need one of you to undress me.”


“You’re staring.”

Freya laughs, “Verily.”

I roll my eyes and insert the specially molded straw into my pussy and take a long slow drink of beer-stuff. I shiver as the cold drink slides down my oral vagina and throat. Brrrr. 

Freya is still staring, and she isn’t the only one. Hank’s Hideaway is medium busy and I’m bare-faced because fuck it I’m thirsty. Which means my pussy is getting laser-like attention from Freya and more than a little curiosity from everyone else. I feel a prickle on my smooth shoulders and catch a cute guy quickly look away. It’s kind of embarrassing, but not as anxiety inducing as I thought it would be. I blush, it’s honestly kind of a turn on? I guess I’m turning into an exhibitionist slut? But get it together Halley, you’ve had enough sexy times today. “Are you just going to ogle me, or can we get down to business?”

Freya smiles and keeps staring, her head cradled in two hands while she grips her huge beer stein with the others. “I am in no great haste.”


“Aye,” Freya says and reaches down next to her and lifts a large parcel onto the table. She opens the box and lifts out a garment like a ruggedized leotard. I focus with my mind and lift the garment into the air and let it unfurl. It’s a rust-colored jumpsuit made from a thick but clingy material with built in kneepads and armor panels. It has a long seam in the front, an integrated power supply on the back, and a built in hood. I’m happy to see it has my requested modifications: no sleeves and a fly on the crotch for my penis. I make the jumpsuit rotate and frown, “This looks like a real pain in the ass to put on.”

“Aye, but it is needed.” Freya says with a nod. “The Junk Desert can unleash fearsome heat and hellish cold; the suit is forged to fortify your body temperature. The Junk is also home to many hazards, from punctures to brigands, so donning a hardy mail is prudent.”

“Fair enough.” I carefully drape my hardy mail over a chair.

Freya pulls out a pair of chunky armored boots and slams them on the table. “These are girded to defend your feet.” She lifts a boot and shows me the sole, “There are retractable cleats and the soles may be magnetized for a stronger grip.”

“Metal.” I say, a little wistful I can’t throw horns.

Freya looks a little confused, “Aye, for treading upon steel hulks.”

I smile and shake my head, “Earthling figure of speech. It’s an aggressive genre of music, and means like, tough and cool.’

“Like hardcore? Or punk?”

“I guess?”

Freya nods sagely and I cannot wait for her to misuse Metal in a sentence. She goes back to the parcel and pulls out a pair of ski goggles and a bulky industrial filter mask. “The dust of the Junk Desert is dangerous to breath, and storms can be fearsomely abrasive. Ward your eyes and lungs whenever possible.”

I nod, “Keep the sharp dust out of my eyes and pussy, check.”

“One final thing,” Freya says, lifting up what looks like a blanket printed in a camouflage tarn of greys and rusty browns.

“What is it?”

“A poncho.”

“Why? To keep the dust off me?”

Freya shrugs and takes a drink of her beer, “And for the aesthetic.”

I do a run through my checklist: “Jumpsuit, metal boots, goggles, mask, poncho…”

“Would that I could give you a sidearm to wield,” Freya says with a frown. “Sending you out disarmed vexes me.”

I roll my abbreviated shoulders; disarmed in so many ways. “I don’t think I could handle a gun.” My new telekinesis is cool, but I’m still getting the hang of it. I’ve already almost spilled my beer like six times, and I’m terrified of trying to aim a deadly weapon. I lean forward and carefully suck more beer up my dildonic straw. “I’m more likely to blow off my toes than stop an attacker.”

Freya crosses all four of her arms and looks at me intently, “Aver to me that you shall flee and hide at the first sign of danger. You are brave enough, but no warrior. Discretion is not cowardice, and valor without forethought is foolhardy.” Freya rests a pair of her hands on my shoulders, “I expect you to return and regale me with tales of your quest.”

“And so you can keep staring at my cunt?”

“Aye,” Freya says, and runs her finger gently down the cleft of my pussy. 

I close my eyes and shiver.

“Sorry, am I interrupting?”

I snap my eyes open and there is a smiling Hank. I blush and jerk upright, “No…Ah, hi?”

“Hi,” says my male clone and one-time lover, looking rather bashful. 

“Please sit. Join us.”

Hank pulls up a chair from the next table and straddles it backwards; for some reason it reminds me of fucking him, which is still a bit awkward. He clears his throat, “Captain Frost runs a solid crew with a great reputation. I’ve met him a few times, but I crewed with Whiz and Burk in my Salvager days and they’re like family to me. If Freya were going on a journey into the Junk, I’d trust them with her life.”

Freya snorts, “Mayhaps you meant entrust me with their lives?”

“Right, of course.”


Hank gives me a wink, “Anyway, Frost’s crew is working a different stake, but they’ll pass through Faraway Haven, which is a town and resupply depot not too far from Quarantine Zone 7. They can get you that far and bring you back on a return trip.” Hank taps the table, “I wish I could do better, but the QZ is more Scavenger country, and no one I trust is going closer.”

I nod, “No, this is amazing! I really appreciate your help connecting me with a ride. Did you tell them I’m willing to work?”

Hank nods, “It’ll be appreciated, but Clem paid your fare, so even if you aren’t very ah, handy, they’ll still deliver you to Faraway.”


“You should be able to buy a hoverbike in Faraway Haven that’ll get you to QZ-7.”

“Sounds good.” I notice that Hank’s avoiding looking at my pussymouth and eyes. Is he still caught up on our one night stand? “Hank, it’s okay.”

Hank blushes, “No it isn’t. You were obviously hurt and I took advantage. I was such an asshole.”

“Maybe, but I was desperate to feel normal and fuck a regular human man. I kinda used you too? And the sex was pretty good.” I shrug my shoulders, “And anyways I already forgave you. Let they who have not boinked a few Halleys cast the first stone.” 

Hank, “Thanks, I missed having you around here.”

“I missed being around here.” I try for coquettish, which is a heavy lift for a pussy-face.,“You do serve the very best Mud-coffee on Flotsam.”

“Aw, shucks.”

“Boinked a few Halleys?” Freya says merrily. “I believe we three ought to compare notes…”

Hank coughs and stands, “Check please.”



“Okay? What’s the surprise?” Two of Freya’s hands are covering my eyes, while the other two grip me by the tits to lead me around. I know I’m outside on the rooftop in Hank’s garden, but that’s about it. Freya gives my boobs an affectionate squish, and drops her hands away…


It’s everyone! Clementine and Bluebell and Hank and HAL-E, and even Halley-4 and her fiancé. “What the hell?” I ask happily.

Clementine trots to me and gathers me in a hug, “We wanted to throw you a going away party.” She kisses me on my pussy-lips. “See you off properly.”

Bluebell wraps us both in her embrace and moos. “It is important that The All demonstrates you are loved.”

“Aw guys,” I blush and fidget. 

“Cute,” Halley-4 says, looking posh and four-legged.

“Hi,” her guy says shyly.

“Hi,” I saw back. “It’s nice to see you, but I’m a little surprised you came to this.”

Halley-4 frisks her tail, “I might not like your plan, but it’s your choice. I still want to see you succeed.” She smiles, “And I guess I want answers too.” 

“Also we brought a present,” future Mr. Halley-taur says pointing at a bigass hoverbike with a rampant busty centauress painted on the cowling. 

Halley-4 smiles, “It’s one of the long-range courier bikes we use at the Pony Express. It’ll be a lot faster and better than anything you can buy out on the Junk. The Salvagers should have room to bring it, at least on the way out.”

“Thank you, that’s extremely cool.”

Halley shrugs, “What are big clone sisters for?”

Hank clears his throat and holds up something that looks kind of like a box kite. “There is a tradition that folks in the city light paper lanterns for loved ones who work in the Junk.”

I nod, “I’ve heard of this; some kid started it to call home a lost parent, right?”

“Or something like that,” Hank nods. “There’s a big festival once a year, but it’s still good luck to light a lantern for newbies before their first trip out.”

Hank turns the paper lantern in his hand and I can see it’s signed by everyone at the party and has their handprints painted on it. “It’s beautiful. I love it!”

“All that remains is to set it free,” Freya says, holding a burning taper.

“You should do the honor,” HAL-E says. 


Hank nods, “It’s tradition.”

I take a deep breath and mentally lift the taper out of Freya’s hands. It wobbles a bit and I frown, it probably wouldn’t still be lucky if I lit the thing on fire. Hank holds the lantern up and tips it away, giving me easier access to the little fuel canister. Ever so carefully I levitate the flame to the fuel and light it, making a little blue flame. Hank patiently holds the lantern upright while the hot air inflates the bag and generates lift. Satisfied, he lets it go, and the lantern floats into the air.

Clementine and Bluebell swaddle me in a hug and we watch the lantern float higher and higher. The flame makes the paper lantern glow with a warm orange light like molten lava, while the handprints stand out like dark shadows. It’s beautiful. This is beautiful. The lantern reaches the end of its tether, flying like a kite in the sky, and I stand there watching it in the arms of my lovers, surrounded by my friends and family. 


To be continued…
